Saturday, November 28, 2009

Japan Singer Gackt spend Christmas with fans


GACKT, now the President of the School Council of 'Kamui Gakuen', lately has lots of things on his mind. [Kamui Gakuen (神威楽園)' is the name of an imaginary school and a series of fan club events being held by GACKT. Fans participating in the events must come wearing school uniforms.] Fellow students (fans) will probably like to know what he's been thinking about. Let's take a look at his blog! [For the following entry GACKT wrote as the 'President'. The 'President' refers to GACKT in third person.]

President: "What? You want to know what I'm doing right now? I'm in my car mulling over plans for December. I have just been thinking that spending Christmas with you 'students'...might be a good idea."

Christmas is the final big event before New Year's Day, and now there's a chance the fans will be able to spend it with GACKT!
Also, the President had one more thing to say.

President: "By the way...GACKT's new song '雪月花 -The end of silence- / Setsugetsuka -The end of silence-' is a masterpiece! Every time I listen to it, I'm moved to tears..."

Judging from what the President said the new GACKT single is well worth checking out. It will go on sale on December 9th!

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