Aarthi Puri is a granddaughter of legendary Indian actor Late Amrish Puri. She is a title holder of Miss Punjab and actress who performs in South Indian films.
She will soon appear in Tamil thriller Kadhal Express.
First, our congradulations goes to those who made it to American Idol top 4 list this evening. Few very interesting things happened during the American Idol April 29, 2009. American Idol season 5 winner Taylor Hicks returned to the idol stage to sing his latest single “Seven Mile Breakdown.”
Adam is in the bottom 3 of Idol This Week on April 29. This was the evening when American Idol when from top 5 to top 4.
The biggest shock of the night as American Idol dwindled its numbers to four was not who got sent home, but who was in the Bottom 3. At this point, at least one person had to grace the stools for the first time, but this week we got two newbies. In the end though, it was Matt who was sent home, as expected. It was only two weeks ago, Matt was in this same spot and was spared by the judge’s save. I don’t think anyone expected him to win after that, but at least we got to hear him perform a couple more times.
Meanwhile,'American Idol' Season 5 winner Taylor Hicks has gone country! Well, at least a little bit. The Alabama native, known for his blues and soul music, is reportedly shipping his new single, 'Seven Mile Breakdown,' to country radio stations next month. Listen to the song after the jump, then tell us whether you think it sounds country.
Hicks' 2006 self-titled debut album sold more than a million copies. His sophomore album, 'The Distance,' was released last month on his own label, Modern Whomp Records, after the 32-year old musician parted ways with Arista Records. 'What's Right Is Right,' the first single from his new album, made it to No. 22 on the Hot AC charts. 'Seven Mile Breakdown' is the CD's second single. Hicks will sing it live Wednesday night, as he makes a guest appearance on 'American Idol.'
And finally, guest mentor Jamie Fox performed “Blame It.” This song was so far away from this week’s theme that I am again wondering why Jamie was a mentor for Rat Pack week. I was really in the mood for more big band tunes and instead I got a plug for Jamie’s album and his movie.
Here are pictures of Kirstie Alley’s weight gain. Kirstie Alley’s weight gain is Oprah’s April 30 topic.
Kirstie Alley’s recent weight gain has gotten the attention of none other than Oprah.
In February 2008, LALATE reported about how Alley announced the launch of her own weight loss company called ASK KIRSTIE.
The bulbous Kristie Alley will appear on Oprah on April 30th to talk about her generous proportions and what keeps her motivated to eat so unhealthily.
Kirstie Alley signed a three-year contract as the spokesperson for Jenny Craig in 2005. After successfully losing about 75lbs, she famously appeared on Oprah Winfrey’s show in a skimpy bikini. In the short time since her contract with Jenny Craig ended, Alley has gained back the weight. In 2008, Kirstie Alley was replaced by Valerie Bertinelli as the spokesperson for Jenny Craig.
“As for me, I am from the school of “you may not be able to reinvent the wheel but you can sure try to better it,” which has proven to be a very successful attitude for Michelin tires.
“I had not intended to make this announcement at this time, but after an online PEOPLE magazine article ran last Friday, announcing that I had stepped down as Jenny’s spokesperson, I found myself bombarded with inquiries from the media and fans. So I guess it’s as good of a time as any to announce that I intend to develop and pilot my own weight-loss brand that I hope to launch in 2009.
“The weight-loss field is wide open and not immune to new ideas and improved solutions for the fat problems that plague many of us Americans every day. I want to create something new that will help millions of people end the seemingly never ending fatty-roller coaster ride. I am especially passionate about seeing to it that our next generations are not struggling with the same weight issues that my generation has struggled with.
“There was a time when America was not fat, and that was in our not-so-distant past. I’m confident that I can create something exciting and innovative: something that if all goes well, will help change a fat America back into a fit America and will offer this country the healthiest, yummiest, easiest and most effective weight-loss program on the market.
“If not, I’ll see you at Central Casting.
“Oh, but hey, don’t “Call Kirstie” just yet. You’ll be on hold too long. Call me next year. “
Yes, and now one year later Oprah is calling … to discuss Kirstie’s weight gain.
So if you want to see how not to gain weight after loosing just tune into Oprah on Thursday.
En un vano intento por rescatar del abandono a este elefante blanco que es Crónicas de la Farándula Kitsch, les dejo de relleno este borrador algo incompleto que por razones de tiempo nunca llegó a ser publicado. Lo que debió haber sido un merecido homenaje al director peruano Leonidas Zegarra Uceda se convierte en un apurado e improvisado especial conformado básicamente por material inédito que de momento sirve más a manera de pretexto para ensalzar el gran éxito que "300 Millas en Busca de Mamá" viene obteniendo en el hermano país de Bolivia. Lamentablemente vuelve a quedar pendiente el tantas veces postergado especial sobre el emergente cine puneño y, sobre todo, el merecido tributo al genio visionario de Leonidas Zegarra, nuestro incomprendido Godard lorcho. A pesar de ello, aún queda material para el deleite del siempre ávido lector pajero.
300 Millas en Busca de Mamá parte II - una carta de Leonidas Zegarra -
El día de ayer recibí con agrado una sentida misiva del maestro Leonidas Zegarra en la que me comentaba sus firmes intenciones de llevar a cabo la continuación de su muy lograda cinta épica "300 Millas en Busca de Mamá", un ambicioso drama protagonizado por la talentosa actriz boliviana Mariana Liquitaya que fue estrenado (contra viento y marea) en agosto del año pasado en la sala 3 del cine "Excelsior" del Jirón de la Unión. Cabe mencionar que esta monumental cinta, filmada en hermosos parajes de la selva peruana, se encuentra arrasando actualmente las taquillas cinemeras de las ciudades de Puno y Juliaca (como algunos ya sabrán, las mecas del cine alternativo peruano), siendo inesperadamente ovacionada de pie por el siempre exigente (y a veces radical) público local, así como también por los cinéfilos de las ciudades bolivianas de La Paz y El Alto (esta última mejor conocida como "la Ciudad del Pecado", paraíso de corrupción, prostitución y drogas), lugares donde la cinta del laureado director peruano ha sido recibida con inusitado entusiasmo. Reproduzco a continuación el íntegro de la carta que me enviara el maestro Zegarra, fechada el día 15 del presente...
Puno, 15 de febrero del 2009
Estimado Dr. Monique,
Vivo en Villa Progreso, Puno. Me siento extraordinariamente feliz y contento, no hay ni pizca de suciedad en este lugar. Hace un año, hace seis meses, creía que era un artista. Ya no lo pienso, lo soy. La energía más pura recorre mis venas, mi espíritu, mis pensamientos. Desbordo tanta vitalidad que salgo a trotar cada mañana por las apacibles orillas del maravilloso Titicaca. La naturaleza y el paisaje me han transformado en un hombre nuevo. Es en este lugar donde finalmente he podido desentrañar el motivo de mi presencia en el universo: realizar la segunda parte de "300 Millas en Busca de Mamá". Y aunque tome usted a la broma mis palabras, amigo Monique, le puedo demostrar que hablo completamente en serio.
Piense por un momento en todas esas sagas creadas por directores magníficos que llevaron el espectáculo cinematográfico a un nuevo nivel: James Cameron y su increíble saga de "Terminator", Steven Spielberg y su clásico de aventuras "Indiana Jones", George Miller y el mundo post-apocalíptico de "Mad Max", John McTiernan y la acción desbordante de "Duro de Matar" (al igual que Richard Donner y el serial "Arma Mortal"), sin olvidar a Paul Verhoeven y su genial "Robocop". Básicamente todo se resume a esto: los grandes directores saben crear grandes sagas.
Por esa razón he tomado la determinación de llevar a cabo la segunda parte de "300 Millas en Busca de Mamá", cinta que fue muy bien apreciada y recibida por la crítica nacional y por usted (Nota del Doctor Monique: el maestro Zegarra hace puntual referencia a nuestro post 300 Millas en Busca de Mamá).
Es justo reconocer a mi mayor fuente de inspiración, el cineasta Luis Llosa, cuyos filmes han sido alabados por la crítica especializada últimamente. Fijémonos en su sensacional "Anaconda" (protagonizada magistralmente por el ganador del Oscar Jon Voight), de la que posteriormente se desprendió "Anaconda 2: a la Caza de la Orquídea de Sangre" y un logrado filme para la televisión: "Anaconda 3: Las Crías". También recordemos su poderosa película "Sniper" (con el gran Tom Berenger en el papel principal), de la que se han realizado dos secuelas de muy buena factura: "Sniper 2" (para la televisión) y "Sniper 3" (para formato de video). Esto demuestra que nuestro compatriota es un genio del género de acción y merecedor de un espacio junto a los galardonados colegas directores arriba mencionados.
Por cierto, sostengo la idea de que Llosa debería realizar "El Especialista 2", nuevamente con Sylvester Stallone y Sharon Stone en los papeles protagónicos, y si se puede, contar también con la participación de James Woods y Eric Roberts, cuyos personajes fallecieron en el filme original pero que podrían ser resucitados con un giro argumental. De hecho, esta película arrasaría la taquilla norteamericana y mundial. Ya pensé en algunos argumentos que estoy seguro funcionarían bastante bien en pantalla. Pero ese proyecto lo dejo ahí, al menos por el momento.
Iré al grano, ya que no es mi deseo hacerle perder su valioso tiempo. Ha llegado mi turno de dar vida a una memorable saga. El proyecto de "300 Millas en Busca de Mamá parte 2" me seduce. Me gusta la amplia recepción de mis películas. Me gusta complacer al público peruano. Me gusta el cine. Me gusta la narración audiovisual. Me gusta estar vivo, aquí y ahora, rodeado de gente receptiva que valora mi trabajo en su real dimensión.
Mucha suerte, Doctor Monique. Que el excelentísimo maestro Ron Hubbard ilumine su camino. Agradecido estoy de haber llevado a cabo a esta comunicación con usted, a quien tengo en la más alta estima.
Un fuerte abrazo amical. Seguiremos en contacto.
Se despide su amigo
Leonidas Zegarra
Trailer de "Terror en el Lago Titicaca" - lo que pudo ser y no será -
A fines del año 2007 un colaborador anónimo me hizo llegar abundante información acerca de un prometedor proyecto cinematográfico que, en opinión de la crítica especializada consultada, marcaría un hito en los anales del celuloide nacional: la incursión del maestro Leonidas Zegarra en el respetado género de terror, específicamente en aquella variante gore moderada conocida con el nombre de "slayer" o "terror adolescente" la cual se caracteriza principalmente por presentar al típico psicópata enmascarado que tiene por afición asesinar a las lobas más regalonas de la pandilla y entre cuyos ejemplos más representativos destacan las sagas de Viernes 13, Halloween, Pesadilla en Elm Street, The Texas Chainsaw Masacre y Scream.
Es así como les presentamos (de forma extemporánea, valga decir) la escalofriante "Terror en el Lago Titicaca", la versión andina del recordado clásico ochentero "Viernes 13" que llegó a ser anunciada a principios del año pasado por el afamado productor Ricardo Chavez Loza como "la película peruana del siglo". Las crónicas señalan que fue en plena fase de pre-producción, ya con el guión completamente terminado, oleado y sacramentado (un manuscrito de 650 páginas tamaño A4), que Chavez Loza decide convocar al director Zegarra para grabar un pequeño teaser promocional a modo de storyboard con la finalidad de ser proyectado ante un reducido grupo de potenciales inversores que estaban practicamente decididos a solventar la filmación entera de la cinta. Tomando en cuenta que la película aún no existía como tal, el resultado de aquel avance fue sencillamente espectacular...
Advertencia: Recomendamos ver las siguientes imágenes a plena luz de día y en compañía de una persona amiga. Si es de noche y encima estás solo entonces mejor no veas nada porque te vas a cagar de miedo.
Teaser Trailer de "Terror en el Lago Titicaca" - Una película de Leonidas Zegarra - el trailer de una película que jamás existió -
Actualización: Para desánimo de los miles de fans del género de terror, y debido principalmente a la incomprensible negativa de los inversores de apoyar económicamente la realización de "Terror en el Lago Titicaca", el maestro Zegarra se ha visto obligado a descartar de plano la historia del espeluznante asesino hematólatra para darle al proyecto un enfoque más comercial de cara a las fiestas navideñas de fin de año. Tal es así que Zegarra se encuentra actualmente en Bolivia buscando financiamiento y auspicios para lo que será su nuevo largometraje: "Milagro en el Lago Titicaca", una prohibida historia de amor homosexual ambientada en el altiplano boliviano, la misma que según palabras del propio realizador será una especie de secuela no oficial de la galardonada Brokeback Mountain y en la que se rumorea fungirán de protagonistas los 2 Brunitos más patos de la televisión. No hay nada que hacer, estimado lector pajero, la mariconada vende.
El maestro Zegarra vendiendo entradas para la matiné de "300 Millas en Busca..." - Boletería del cine "Manfer", en la ciudad prohibida de El Alto (Bolivia) -
LESTARI (Bunga Nurlaila Martha Sari Zainal Fazri) is a beautiful girl cantik but a little wild. In daily life, Lestari living with RANTI (Moudi Wilhelmina) in the slums settlement. Ranti working as a servant in the house of DIVO (Ijonk Jhonatan Frizy Simanjuntak) and NAOMI (Willa Julaiha) family, they has a child named NADYA (Gecha). Divo is a young boy and successful as businessman. With the Divo family also lived FANNY (Arumi Bachsin), Divo's sister, and KARIN (Uli Auliani ) as mother-in-law Divo. Until a day came disaster, Naomi killed in a plane accident and the body does not found work. Naomi's death brought grief and depth trauma for the family especially Karin, who then blame Divo as cause of Naomi's death. Consequently Karin be phlegmatic and hated Divo.
adegan sinetron Cintaku (credited to: rsiag and lautanindonesia.com)
One day, Lestari meet Divo when want to steal bread to poor children. Then Lestari utilize Divo to help her vague. Divo are annoyed with the attitude Lestari, hoping not to meet again. Who is suspected, but they would meet again at Divo's house. Apparently Ranti ask Lestari deliver dry wash to the boss house. Divo are considered Lestari is a thief, intend to bring the girl to the police station. Fortunately Lestari successfully convince to Divo. When arrived at home, Lestari find friends crying sad because the small settlement slums where they live will be destroyed by IKBAL (Boy Tirayoh), who was a businessman also an education leader. Iqbal intends to establish a new campus in his own land. Although he has own land, Iqbal still provide compensation for people who live there. Lestari protest and throw to Iqbal's glass car and make injure one of his crew.
Then Iqbal bring Lestari to the police so as a result, Lestari must stay detention in jail. Ranti who identify Iqbal as foster parents Divo then ask for help to free the employer Lestari. Because the blandishment Divo, Iqbal prepared at once to free Lestari revoke scale down one's demands. Completed a problem, other problems appear. The villagers where Lestari place to stay, would not accept the presence of girl. They are fed up with fad Lestari who like to steal food. They also consider Lestari jailed because steal. Lestari can't defend herselves, because the village people still insist rejects. Because compassion, then Divo bring Lestari to stay in the house. Karin reject Divo's decision and she considered Divo because he has been forget the honor of Naomi. However Divo (Jonatan Frizzi) insist because already promised Ranti to provide shelter, protection, and education appropriate for Lestari. While Fanny and Nadya support the decision and both are friends with Lestari. Since Lestari stay there, make have any problems that arise in the house. Karin tries to make Lestari not be in the house and chase away the pretty girl. Lestari have principles if Divo does not request to go so Lestari still stay because he took her to the house, and she should respect the decision from Divo.
Each of problems that arise between Lestari and Karin, thus making the relationship Lestari and Divo more familiar. Lestari really respect and sympathy to Difo, and similarly Divo slow start falling in love to Lestari. Karin become great anger and doesn't like the woman who will replace the position of Naomi. Karin then threaten Divo to dispel Lestari or she will go from the house. Because does not have any other choice, then Divo check Lestari at home parents angkatnya, Iqbal and NINDY (Fiona Rosalina). For the second time, the presence Lestari cause problems. DARA (Indah Ayu Putri), son of Nindi a lecture in Jakarta, is considered Lestari as a rival because Dara also interest and love to Divo.
Dara and her mother called Lasya want to become rich people and will married with Divo. In order to realize the goal, Dara began some trouble so Lestari expelled from the house of Iqbal and Nindi. Obviously, it would always lead to conflict between Iqbal and Nindi and makes Lestari confused. Bitter reality makes Lestari intend to go from house Iqbal and Nindi, feel themselves as a source of problems. Lestari also do not want to disrupt the life of Iqbal and Nindi, Nindi prevent the departure of girls. On the other hand, the relationship between Lestari and Divo be stronger, they are really falling in love each other.
JAMAL (Revand Narya), a man who love Lestari try to rape her. But Lestari successfully hit and made Jamal unconscious. Then Jamal ostensibly blind and threatening will reported Lestari to the police. Because fear then she ask to Jamal and doesn't report her, but Jamal ask Lestari requirements that she must meet him every day. Dara find out if Lestari always met with Jamal, and then report to the Divo are finally catching both and decide their relationship with Lestari ended. Lestari become sad, especially when viewing the intimate relationship between Divo and Dara.
Lestari successfully prove that she is not guilty and Jamal is not blind. Divo happy, and leave Dara to apply for Lestari. Dara become angry and frustrated, if she is not willing Divo marry Lestari so when they will marry suddenly Dara appears along with Naomi. Naomi was still alive. How the story next? What wedding plans Lestari and Divo still continue? Watch the story Sinetron Cintaku, from Monday to Saturday jam tayang 19.00 WIB at SCTV Satu Untuk Semua.
foto Jonathan Frizzy and Revand Narya
foto artis cantik sinetron, Arumi Buchsin, Uli Auliani and Bunga Zainal
CASTING PEMAIN SINETRON CINTA-KU : - Jonathan Frizzy Simanjuntak ( Ijonk ) as Divo - Bunga Zaenal as Lestari - Uli Auliani / Uli Aulani as - Boy Tirayoh as Iqbal - Moudy Wilhelmina as - Revand T Narya as Jamal - Indah Ayu Putri as Dara - Viona Rosalina as Nindi - Willa Julaiha as Naomi - Geccha as Nadya - Metty Djumiati / Djumiaty as - Arumi Bachsin as Fany
Theme Song Sinetron Cintaku : Bila Nanti Kau Milikku Singer : Naff Band Song & Lyrics : Naff Band: Rusyaedi Makmun "Ady" (vokal), Dedi Raksawardana (gitar), Andri Kurniawan "Ade" (gitar) , Odeu Wijaya (bass), Hilal Hamzah (drums) Label Produksi : Trinity Optima Production (2009)